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WebSphere Commerce Version 6 Developer Toolkit Configuration with Oracle Database

This will be a two step Post, in the first Post we will talk about Oracle database installation in loopback mode in case you have your laptop or PC enabled for DHCP.

1. Oracle version 10i and 11g requires loopback address enabled in case you are installing it on a Personal Laptop or PC which has DHCP enabled (no fixed IP). What this means is once you have your database installed you will not be able to connect to it using localhost as hostname from JDBC clients.

2. Enable LoopBack by following steps mentioned in following link. follow the steps in Section

3. You will see following option as shown in the screen shot below after selecting the loopback adapter in Step 9

4. Once you have completed all the steps till Step 12, you will be able to see a new Network option Local area connection 2 in My Network places.

5. Now provide following TCP/IP configuration for the new connection as show in the screens shot below.

6. Now complete steps 19 thru 21 and restart your laptop, you are now all set to install Oracle database for WCS Toolkit.

In the Next Post I will talk about how to configure Toolkit with Oracle Database

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